Friday, 2 December 2011

On first day of christmas

As the Coca Cola advert once said the "Holidays are coming". December is by far one of my most favourite months, as we let the holiday spirit sweep into our cities, towns and houses it's easy to forget some of the loveliest things about the holidays. It may seem too early still to be getting excited about Christmas, but when you're brought up to believe in the magic and goodwill of this time of year it's hard not to get excited. It's not all year that people are nicer to each other, where they give an extra smile to each other & a wish of happiness. I don't understand why these things don't happen all year round, but I'm grateful that for at least one month a year people offer goodwill to one another. It doesn't need to be in the expense of gifts, or writing cards to lots of people (although who doesn't love receiving a Christmas card from a long lost friend or relative?) goodwill can be given in the quietest of gestures, just being grateful for what each one of us has, no matter how small it is. If selfishness is ugly, then give selflessness, say thank you, tell people how much they mean to you, or at the very least offer someone a smile. Enjoy the month of December, remember it's not about the gifts of the holidays but it's who you spend it with. Bask in the beauty of this month, I know I will. I hope you all have an absolutely beautiful holiday season, whatever you do.


  1. your blog is amazing, please show me how to do this. also im trying to follow it but no idea of how to do it on yours. so help me with that too :P

  2. Thanks Phil! I take the url and in the blogger dashboard bit there's a 'follow blog' link and you can put the url in there and it links up to your blog :) What do you want to do on yours?
